
How To start seeds, what has worked for me.

Soak seeds in warm water for 8 - 12 hours.

Take a container with at least a 4" depth. Make sure it has drainage holes.  You can take old 4" plant containers( already have holes) you get when you get plants at nursery, or plastic containers or red cups. If taking any containers make sure to add good drainage holes on the bottom.  Fill 3/4 with good potting soil. Moisten the soil.  Lay down about 8 - 10 seeds on the surface and cover with a thin layer  or 1/4" of soil. Moisten the surface.  Take the whole cup and keep in a gallon zip lock  or in a container with a loose lid ( creates a warm environment). Make sure to take a peek at it regularly to make sure the soil is moist ( the soil should never dry out at this stage) and nothing else is growing. Once you have growth ( minimum of 8- 10 days, some seeds take longer, remove the ziplock ) wait until you get 2 true leaves before up potting to individual containers or moving it to ground.  In the years when it is super cold I start indoors or in the garage. This year the starts are all going outside next to the house.