
Experts and Producers

The goal is to increase the count of Oe free Monarchs in the western population. Putting more resources into growing milkweed, into steps to reduce Oe, and into using enclosures so we don't lose our investment counted in caterpillars and chrysalises to predators. Experts like Patty M. who wash each egg  for OE and release only the uninfected butterflies. This category is also investing a lot of time and effort into educating the other categories. Patty  M. is also instrumental in growing 100's of milkweed plants to give away every year so the hungry caterpillars have enough food. 

This category also spends a lot of time educating the other categories and helping the other categories have a successful experince. 

Here is a good article that talks about Pathogens & Parasitoids Reduction in Monarch Butterfly Rearing from University of Illinois.